Frequently Asked Questions
Any senior or adult can benefit from our services. We have customers who live alone, have recently loss loved ones including pets, who have significant health concerns, veterans and introverts.
Our goal is to have the same person call our customers each day. We strive on building positive relationships and making lasting connections.
Each call varies in length and can last from 5- 10 minutes depending on the needs of the customer.
We can talk about anything the customer is interested in discussing. Some topics include: the news, divorce, weather, travel, religion, family, sports, foods, etc. Customers are asked to complete an interest form to help us to get to know you prior to the first call.The goal is to allow the conversation to flow into a friendly conversation and share any thoughts on your mind.
We will call you during the designated time frame. If we are unable to reach you, we will attempt to reach you three additional times. If our outreach is still unsuccessful, we will leave a message and provide outreach to the designated contact informing them of our inability to reach you.
No, members will have the freedom to talk and discuss anything that comes to mind. Some members talk about the good old days, current events, family or simply how they are feeling for the day. Phone calls will be periodically monitored for safety and security of every member.
We can be contacted at or by calling us at 833-829-1088.
We accept all major credit, debit cards, bank transfers. If you are unable to pay credit or debit card please call us to discuss alternate forms of payment.
Memberships are monthly and gift cards can be renewed or canceled at the end of the monthly billing cycle. Memberships can be renewed or upgraded by emailing us at
Your credit /debit card will be automatically debited each month on the anniversary of the day you signed up.
You can change your membership plan anytime you want. The new plan will be renewed and charged on your anniversary date. If you want to start benefiting from the new plan right away, the difference in pay will be billed the day of the change. Reduction of services can only start on the renewal date. Please call us at 833-829-1088 or email us at to make the change.
You can cancel your membership at any time. We do not offer partial membership refunds but do welcome you to continue to access the service for the remainder of the time.
Friendship Connection
- Research shows loneliness occurs more often to seniors and elderly loved ones which can often impact their overall health and mental stability. Talking with another person can help change the cognitive decline associated with being alone.
- Socializing with another person often brings smiles, laughter and joy!
- Often family members want to be there for senior loved ones but due to demanding schedules or distance apart don’t have the time to connect as much as they would like to. This is one way to show them you care and are thinking of them.
Our Friendship Connections memberships provide time to talk to another senior over the phone without leaving your home. Members are paired together based on similar interests and experiences. Members will be contacted during a pre scheduled time to talk with another member.
Each call varies in length and depends on the mutual communication of the members on the call. Typically conversations last between 20 and 45 minutes.
Any and everything. Many members talk about common everyday topics, thoughts about the good old days in the past, their family, pets and the news.
Phone calls with other members provide an opportunity for seniors to socialize with each other in the comfort of their own home. The time and day for phone calls are preselected to meet each member’s schedule and needs. Phone calls are periodically monitored for safety which allows members to feel comfortable talking over the phone.
Other members will and not have your contact information and will only be able to talk with the member over the phone.
Yes! Members can request to talk with another member again. Fill out the survey form on the Friendship Connection page on the website letting us know you would like to talk with the member again. Once both members fill out the survey, you will be connected again.
Call us at 1-833- 829-1088 to get started or fill out the intake form online.You are also welcome to email us at
Health and Happiness
With busy schedules, it can be difficult to check in on family members and loved ones. We provide outreach for monitoring and reminders. Some common reminders include: medication, vitamin, pet care, meal preparation or intake and activity reminders.
The number of phone calls vary for each customer. Check in’s can be made in the morning, afternoon and in the evening. If additional check in’s are needed, arrangements can be made to meet the needs of the individual
Yes, this is one of the greatest benefits of our services. Family members can be provided with updates daily, weekly or monthly after calling the customer. This service is often requested at the start of the service but can be added on at any time by contacting us.